Center for Health Information and Analysis

Producing the annual report on the state of Massachusetts healthcare spending

Project overview

In 2019 Shields Design was awarded the contract to design and produce The Annual Report on the Performance of the Massachusetts Health Care System (CHIA). This report examines trends in costs, coverage and quality indicators to inform policy making.Thus, began a relationship that remains to this day and also has expanded to include a digital data visualizer in addition to the annual report. 

Center for Health Information and Analysis banner image


Working with the team at CHIA we jumped off the provided text and designs to incorporate into the final document design. At times we refined the supplied graphics and at other times, we created new graphics - charts and graphs. This entailed a great attention to detail. Accuracy was a necessity, as well as telling a clear story through the data.


In recent years the report has evolved to include data relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic and behavioral health. Each year the digital assets containing all the current statistics for the Annual Report have been delivered on time in order to be presented at the Health Policy Commission’s Annual Hearing.

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