The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine

Connecting Mayflower Descendants Worldwide with a Quarterly Magazine.

Project overview

This magazine is published quarterly and is distributed worldwide to over 100,000 members of The General Society of Mayflower Descendants (headquartered in Plymouth, not far from our studio). In 2019 the Executive Director approached us to submit a proposal to redesign the magazine using the current Brand Standards.

The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine banner image


We were awarded the contract to redesign and produce the magazine 4 times a year. The page count varies from 28 to 56 depending on the content provided. We established a format using the brand colors and fonts, however we were able to update the look and feel to make it a more engaging read while not losing sight of the historic and genealogical content. All deadlines were seamlessly met within the design and proofing cycles, thus allowing each issue to get printed and mailed according to schedule.


Our contract has been renewed each year despite changes in the Executive Committee and Editorial Staff. Since we have been doing this for such a long period of time and working with clients in various industries providing graphics of all sorts, we have become adaptable and flexible in our approach to the design process and collaborating with clients who have various work styles and preferences. Society membership has increased each year and with that each publication has been well-received by the members, Executive Committee and staff.

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